[App] MosaLingua Kindle Version
Anonymous commented
Aggiornate la versione Kindle grazie
Giuseppina Santomartino commented
Uso molto il kindle e vorrei poterci scaricare la vostra app
Francesco commented
kindle fire hd please
Anonymous commented
I would like to have this app on my Kindle fire please
Ariana Ledezma commented
kindle please
Anonymous commented
I would like to have this app on my kindle fire.
Thank you. -
Anonymous commented
I soli tre thai applicazioni on mg kindle fire.
Colucia@libero.it -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Ragazzi,serve per Kindle....
Roger commented
I had high hopes for this app. It seemed pretty solid, but now I can't get the premium version. Please put it back.
jim commented
Short dialo with base languages to aid comprehension.
Anonymous commented
PLease, return the diccionary
Anonymous commented
Please returnt the dictionary
Luis commented
PLease, return the diccionary.