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211 results found

  1. A few different translation of a learned word appearing randomly to have memory anchor on meaning not particular word

    Memory anchor is not on the actual meaning of the word but on particular translation hence often word we learn are very easy to solve on a flashcard but we totally cannot remind it when actully using the language. For example learning German I would instantly translate word seeing word "Danger" into "Gefahr" but I wouldnt remind it when speaking with a German about something dangerous. The solution to this might be offering different translation and methods for learned word appearing randomly. "Gefahr" could sometimes be Danger, sometimes jeopardy, sometimes peril, sometimes a picture and sometimes a sentencje to finish.…

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  2. For Russian, replace current transliteration/phonetic rendition with IPA

    The current combined transliteration/phonetic rendering in Latins letters for a given Russian word is inaccurate both phonetically and as a transliteration system. Please replace it with IPA.

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  3. Easy Google+ login for MosaLingua Account

    Add a easier way for us to login with a Google+ button.

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  4. Easy Google+ login for MosaLingua Account

    Add a easier way for us to login with a Google+ button.

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  5. the possibility to add your own voice recordings to the self-created flashcards

    In case I add a new flashcard I listen to the recording of a native speaker to learn how to pronounce it. Would be great if I could add a voice recording to the flashcard to make sure I learn it correctly later.

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  6. Use iOS built-in text-to-speech software to read text out loud

    On LingQ I’m able to select words and sentences and they’re read from one of the voices built into iOS. There are a lot of options for voices built into iOS, with higher quality versions available to download. I would love to see the option of choosing the build in iOS voices to read text out loud for my self-generated cards. if LingQ can offer this feature I don’t see why MosaLingua cannot.

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  7. Listen and Speak disable Speak - Hören & Aussprechen - Aussprechen deaktivieren

    Hey there,

    Wish to disable speak.

    I use the app in the train and I want speak.

    And I need the first run to listen and read the vocable in German and Spain to know the vocal be for the next learning step

    Beste greets


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  8. Permettre l’écoute des phrases exemple en main libre

    Il serait génial d’offrir une option qui permettrait d’entendre les phrases exemple lors de l’utilisation de la fonction main libre.
    Ce serait une case à cocher dans les réglages (comme le nombres de mots, ou la vitesse de lecture). Ainsi on entendrait les mots à apprendre et la phrase exemple.

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  9. Improve navigation in dialogues

    It should be possible to go forward/backward within the dialogues by one paragraph or one sentence.

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  10. 7 votes

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  11. Choose certain topics like week days or numbers, which I want to focus to learn on

    I like to focus on certain topics.
    For example number 1 - 1000 or weekdays.
    And then I want to learn this topics

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  12. Mute the app completely to be able to listen to music simultaneously

    It's not possible to listen to music (Spotify e.g.) and use the app simultaneously because even though I turned of "sound" in the settings, the app reads the vocabulary out loud once you flipped the card.

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  13. Mute the app completely to be able to listen to music simultaneously

    It's not possible to listen to music (Spotify e.g.) and use the app simultaneously because even though I turned of "sound" in the settings, the app reads the vocabulary out loud once you flipped the card.

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  14. Let us use italian version of the app when learning italian

    It's currently not possible to set the language to italian. This would be helpful to do in my opinion.

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  15. Card sets

    It would be so great to have the memorized cards organised in the order we've learnt ir practiced them.
    Right now they are randomly spread in different piles, and it is hard to find which words or expressions one last learned.

    Also, it would be awesome to have the "option" to repeat the 'set of cards selected for learning' a couple of times:
    say if someone chooses 5 specific cards to learn, it would help to have the possibility to repeat the same 5 cards later in the day.

    Thank you :-)

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  16. Multicompte

    Indispensable de pouvoir créer plusieurs comptes sur la même application.
    Merci 😜

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  17. Workbook

    You can make a Mosalingua Workbook

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  18. Beautify the free-hands-mode

    it would be nice to control the hands-free-mode by choosing the first number and the last number out of my self learned cards for every hands-free-lesson.
    Der Freihandmodus wäre schöner wenn man von den schon gelernten Karten die Nummer der ersten und der letzten Karte für eine Freihandlektion auswählen könnte

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  19. Tapping to view whole card text on Learn screen

    Sometimes the card expression is long and can't all be seen on the Learn page when selecting cards. Currently tapping anywhere on the card chooses whether you want to ignore the card or not. I suggest this to just occur when you click the green dot on the right of the card and tapping elsewhere on the card brings up the whole text of the card.

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  20. [App] Review of all learnt cards. Hands free too!

    I propose that we could have a review session of "favourite cards" to gauge if we can recall them all in the one sitting. Similar to the hands free review, but using every chosen words once with the “correct” or “incorrect” self review so results can be viewed at the end.

    Being able to do use these cards on hands free mode would be great too!

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    Thank you all for having voted for this suggestion!

    With the latest update, you can add listen to your “favorite” cards in the hands-free mode.

    You can add cards to your Favorites list during a review or learning session by turning over the card, clicking on the (i) button, then clicking the heart icon. Otherwise, you can add cards from the Explore menu by clicking on the card, and then on the heart icon.

    Then, in the settings of the hands-free mode, you can select “favorite cards” to listen to them anytime you want.

    Thank you again and enjoy it!

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