211 results found
Synthèse vocale
It would be good if the vocal message in English to be of better quality. Voice synthesis I mean according to me.
1 vote -
improve support of external keyboard
I'm using an bluetooth keyboard. I'd like to confirm my input with the enter key.
6 votes -
put conjugaison
It could be cood if we coyld learn verbs conjugaison
2 votes -
Bei Wiederholungen auch die Aufnahmefunktion ermöglichen.
Um eigene Aussprache zu verbessern wäre es nützlich den Zugang zu der Aufnahmefuntion auch bei Wiederholungen zu ermöglichen
2 votes -
Vider le vocabulaire vue en cours du lycée
J'ai à chaque sceance d'anglais une dizainee de mot de vocabulaire à apprendre !!!
Est ce qu'il serait possible d'avoir une option spécial dans la création des cartes qui permet d'avoir toujours les cartes de vocabulaire de cours chaque jour ?1 vote -
Import my favorite words from the "wordreference" apply
Cette demande est quand même faite dans l'espoir d'une mise en place sur l'application Française ;)
3 votes -
Option to change in app color scheme.
As above; for those learning multiple languages through Mosalingua a clearer distinction could be made, thus reducing the frequency of switching language by accident.
8 votes -
Dialogue gender options
I wonder if in future you can add a note or feature that shows how I (as a woman) would say the same phrase in DIALOGUES if it is being said by a man, and vice versa.
3 votes -
Paramètre "Seulement Oral pas écrit"
Je ne suis pas intéressé par apprendre à ecrire en anglais je voudrais seulement l'oral, serais ce possible dans les paramètres de choisir? Ça me fait perdre du temps d'ecrire chaque carte.
1 vote -
1 vote
Short videos learning
Add short videos in OV than you think well to learn english like for example a piece of scene of film, or videos who could to be good for learning with the same way than cards in mosalingua. thank you so much for your work
1 vote -
Mosalingua Französisch Business
Business Französisch
5 votes -
1 vote
[App] More statistics about the number of cards in the app
I ask to add the following information
1. number of missing cards to learn, included in the app: total cards - learned cards - cards marked as not to learn
2. Total cards marked as not to learn
3. Total cards manually added10 votes -
Grammatical class of words / classe gramatical das palavras
Hi, could you add the classification of the word? For example, if is a verb, adjective, noum, etc. It's simple and helpful, because some words look like verbs (housing - ends with ing) but in fact are noums (the synonymous is habitation). To know the type will help me to remember the meaning of the word. Thanks. Vocês poderiam acrescentar a classe gramatical das palavras? É fácil e me ajudaria a diferenciar algumas que parecem verbos mas na verdade são substantivos. Sabendo o tipo eu gravaria melhor o significado da palavra. Obrigada.
4 votes -
Partner with other language-learning programs to supplement and increase usage
Partner with other companies like Pimsleur and Duolingo to create pre-loaded vocabulary words to match and supplement the lessons of those programs. This would be a win-win for MosaLingua, the other companies, and language students.
3 votes -
I love being able to add new flash cards in Mosa Lingua. However at present they all get lumped in one category. Could you please adds the ability to put them in categories (for example, garden terms, culinary, equestrian etc etc) so that we can organise our learning even more effectively. Being able to share cards with other users would be another perk.
9 votes -
Lumière et bruits
Je suis étudiante mes collègue et moi cherchons du vocabulaire plus avancé et plus spécialisé. Nous avons des livres pour ca mais je trouve que votre app est beaucoup plus utile que nos livre ci vous pouvez rajouter une fiction pour chercher du vocabulaire par thème et surtout rajouter des thème qui sont utiles pour les étudiants d'anglais ca serais très utile et vous attirerez sûrement beaucoup d'étudiants de LLCE anglais
1 vote -
MosaLingua app on Windows Phone store
I'd like MosaLingua to develop the app on Windows Store for WP users like me.
1 vote -
Make the language part of your app open architecture so others may freely collaborate on it, while leaving the learning engine intact
Make the language part open architecture so others may collaborate on it, while leaving the learning engine intact.
This way, others can develop both user interfaces and lesson plans for such important languages as Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Cambodian and other non-European languages, which are way over-represented in your product offerings.
To make it even more of an incentive to YOU at MOSAlingua, make it premium-only for the first few years, so you recoup whatever money you have to spend on making such architect changes.
If you need guidance on doing this split, Windows software development documentation includes guides…1 vote
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