Auto Language Direction
Currently you can change the language direction by setting it by level. I would like an option where the language direction changes based on your familiarity with a card. When the setting is turned on, all new cards show LL (Learning Language) on side 1 and NL (Native Language) on the reverse side. Once you reach a certain proficiency the language direction reverses so that you are presented NL and have to remember the equivalent word/sentence in the language you are learning. When the card is reveresed for the first time, it is shown sooner than normal (almost like a reset).

Chris Gibbings commented
I want to be able to learn the language in both directions and the Jeff's suggestion is a good way of achieving this.
Another possibility is to simply have the option to include all cards in both forward order AND reverse order in my learning stack and then have the learning of them tracked as if they are independent cards. So, each card would have two tracking scores against it (one for the forward direction and one for the reverse direction). For example, with Spanish, I may know "house > casa" very well and mark it perfect but when I hear "casa" I may struggle to recall that it means "house" and mark that as difficult.
The current language direction functionality is not really a useable solution for language learning. There is a popular suggestion for bi-directional learning which I think has been mistakenly marked as complete by the Admin:
Mike commented
Absolutely agree. It's too cumbersome for me to manually switch the directions back and forth, so I end up just not using it as much. It would be great to have something like Jeff's suggestion that automatically gives a mix of NL -> LL and LL -> NL in any given review session, especially if it incorporates into the Hands Free mode as well.