761 results found
Improve search and/or allow more than 20 results
When searching for existing cards/vocabulary/words/phrases, the search currently limits the results to 20 items. Unfortunately it also sometimes prefers long, winding sentences over basic occurences. That leads to the problem, that sometimes most basic words on their own cards cannot be found.
For example when searching the Italian word "qui", I don't get to see the sole "qui" card in the search result, but instead the first results are...
1. "la crostata = der Kuchen, die QUIche"
2. "monete, il resto = das Wechselgeld" (???)
3. "Posso sedermi QUI? = Darf ich mich hier hinsetzen"
4. "deliziosi, sQUIsito = köstlich,…3 votes -
1 vote
Add extra text field in flash card for user text.
I like to add to flash cards my Polish translation of word or sentence in extra English text field. Unfortunately that make problems when you change flash card. Cards which I modify are not updated and I have old text and new lector speaking to a little different text.
If you will add extra text field for user, then user will have opportunity to add some text without modify flash card. That will solve problem with update content.2 votes -
Suono pronuncia MosaLingua Russo mentre costruisci la parola e non quando giri la carta.
In MosaLingua Russo ho notato un miglioramento nell'apprendimento di una parola quando sento il suono della parola stessa o della frase prima di mettere le lettere in ordine di struttura perché questo mi aiuta a capire in che ordine posizionare le lettere stesse.
Quindi, invece di sentire la pronuncia dopo aver "girato la carta" propongo di avere l'opportunità di poterla sentire mentre compongo la parola stessa. Grazie!!1 vote -
Spanisch: ES einstellen
Es wäre super, wenn man einstellen könnte, dass man nur Castellano lernen möchte, also nicht die lateinamerikanischen Ausdrücke.
9 votes -
[App] nouvelle application unique : créer une page d’acceuil pour choisir la langue à réviser
avec la nouvelle application unique le changement d’une langue à l’autre n’est pas très souple et le suivi des révisions non plus si on apprend plusieurs langues en même temps. une page d’accueille à l’ouverture de l’application pourrait proposer les différents langues avec les pastilles indiquant pour chaque langue le nombre de mots à réviser.13 votes -
Zufallsmodus Lernkarten
Die neuen Lernvokabeln zufällig zu generieren und nicht nur die kürzlich neu hinzugefügten Lernkarteien
12 votes -
faciliter l'écriture par la mobilité des mots, des lettres : ne pas avoir à tout effacer
améliorer la fluidité pour l'écriture : déplacement des mots, des lettres de façon à ne pas être obligé de tout effacer si erreur, oubli d'une lettre etc...?
3 votes -
Add Audio for created flash card
Please give us an editing option that adds audio, either
- trough self recording
- trough an audio file on our deviceThank you!
1 vote -
Show to-be-learned cards in the order the user marked them for learning
When I add 15 cards for learning from the catalogue, the learn mode suggests the LATEST 5 cards for learning instead of the first 5 cards. It should be the other way round.
As of now, this leads to awkward behaviour that if I mark all cards from e.g. a grammar lesson and then enter the learn mode with 5 cards a day, it starts with the hard phrases on first day and ends with the easy ones 3 days later...
1 vote -
Add Netherlands
Please more languages.
1 vote -
[App] Review of all learnt cards. Hands free too!
I propose that we could have a review session of "favourite cards" to gauge if we can recall them all in the one sitting. Similar to the hands free review, but using every chosen words once with the “correct” or “incorrect” self review so results can be viewed at the end.
Being able to do use these cards on hands free mode would be great too!
192 votesThank you all for having voted for this suggestion!
With the latest update, you can add listen to your “favorite” cards in the hands-free mode.
You can add cards to your Favorites list during a review or learning session by turning over the card, clicking on the (i) button, then clicking the heart icon. Otherwise, you can add cards from the Explore menu by clicking on the card, and then on the heart icon.
Then, in the settings of the hands-free mode, you can select “favorite cards” to listen to them anytime you want.
Thank you again and enjoy it!
Phrases exemple en main libre
Il serait génial de pouvoir écouter les phrases exemples en main libre.
L’idée serait d’avoir une option pour choisir d’écouter en main libre soit le mot (comme actuellement) soit uniqument la phrase exemple (avec sa traduction).
L’option serait paramétrable dans les réglages comme on le fait en choisissant « changer le sens d’apprentissage », nous aurions alors « apprendre les phrases exemple ».10 votes -
Pouvoir ajouter les exemples aux cartes d'apprentissage
Je trouve très intéressantes les phrases-exemples que vous proposez souvent lors de l'apprentissage d'un mot, cela permet de contextualiser le mot et d'en faciliter la mémorisation, mais aussi d'apprendre à construire une phrase. J'aimerais avoir un bouton "ajouter aux cartes d'apprentissage " a coté de ces exemples comme vous en avez mis pour les dialogues
2 votes -
European Portuguese (Portugal), please.
I need Portugal Portuguese because I'm a European. The pronunciation differs and the vocabulary is for many words different. Also there are some words that are common in Portugal, but to Brazilian people are understand in a different meaning (which can cause really embarrassing consequences).
Thank you.5 votes -
Faire les révisions aussi a l'oral
J'aimerais pendant les révisions que la carte soit à l'oral comme dans le module d'apprentissage " écouter et prononcer"
2 votes -
Konjugation der Verben im Präsens als Beispielsätze zum jeweiligen Verb )
Das Verb alleine zu lernen hilft nicht. Die Konjugation der Verben zusammen mit dem Verb ist entscheidend. In meinem Fall intalienisch und am liebsten bevor ich anfange die Verben einzeln zu lernen. Es liegt dann am User selbst, ob dieser nur das Verb oder auch die Konjugation als Beispielsätze lernen möchte. Ich spreche von der vollständigen Konjugation. Bislang gibt es nur einen Beispielsatz zu eine konjugation des jeweiligen Verbs.
Gibt es eigentlich Portugiesisch ( nicht brasilianisches Portugiesisch)? Würde dies als nächstes gerne lernen.2 votes -
Poter segnare come appresa una parola dalla sezione "Liste Utili", non affidandosi così unicamente all'algoritmo
Rendere possibile lo spostamento manuale delle parole dalla lista "Carte da imparare" all'ultimo posto della lista "Carte memorizzate" nella sezione "Liste Utili" senza dover attendere che l'algoritmo lo faccia per noi o rendere automatico lo spostamento dopo un certo numero di valutazioni "Perfetto" sulla carta della parola (l'ideale sarebbe 3). In questo modo si evita di perdere tempo prezioso su una parola che sappiamo per certo di avere appreso ed essa non deve andare per forza a finire nella lista "Carte ignorate"
6 votes -
Geschlecht angeben
zum Beispiel wenn man Spanisch lernt. Damit man Sätze wie 'estoy timido' in der weiblichen Form lernt.
4 votes -
Different layout for different languages
Hello, I’ve been using MosaLingua for a while for learning Spanish and it’s been great. I’ve started lately with French too but I find quite confusing that the pictures, phrases and general background is the same...And Spanish words automatically pop up :) I think that it can help if I can at least change the background color and maybe switch off the pictures. Thanks for your consideration.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?