761 results found
Shuffle cards in to-be-learned pile
Option to shuffle flash cards that we want to learn. For example, if I add 15 verb cards and fifteen vocab cards from a different section, I’d like to shuffle them up and learn from different categories at the same time.
4 votes -
Daily/Weekly/Monthly reports
It would be cool to receive a daily / weekly / monthly email report with the list of words learned in that period of time.
4 votes -
to evaluate the pronunciation of the users repeatings
In my opinion, it would be good, if the users repeatings of the vocabulary would be evaluated. Maybe mark the symbol red for bad accordance, green for good accordance. Just like you evaluate the part "writing".
2 votes -
Automate the creation of new cards
When I create a new card, it would be nice if the program could automatically pre-populate some fields:
If a card is for a single word in a language where words have genders (like German), automatically add article (der das die)
Automatically add most probable translation for the word.
If the database already contains cards with phrases containing this word, use them as example phrases, or let users choose one. Otherwise, try fetching some samples from the web
1 vote -
Género femenino
Que transfieran las palabras también al género femenino, de lo contrario solo se aprenden las palabras desde y para el genero masculino
1 vote -
Beispielsätze sollten das Foto beschreiben!
Es wäre eine große Lernhilfe, wenn die Beispielsätze etwas mit dem Foto zu tun hätten, statt aus einem völlig anderen Kontext zu stammen!
It would be a big help if the pictures matched the example sentences instead of being from a completely different context!1 vote -
Agregar mas gramática
Hola! Hasta ahora no he encontrado la sección gramática en el premium,sólo aparecen consejos pero debiera de haber una sección que explicará como conjugar y luego tarjetas que te solicite poner el verbo en el tiempo que te piden .. y otra cosa ,considero perjudicial para recordar cuando ponen muchas palabras juntas como es el caso de las preposiciones ,en una sola tarjeta ..muchas gracias , el resto maravillosa e interactiva !
1 vote -
Please separate more between British English and American English. There is no use for me in learning American English.
There is a difference between British and American English. Please let us chose which pronunciation we prefer.
8 votes -
[App] Ordre des cartes que je veux apprendre
Lorsque je marque des cartes que je veux apprendre (appli Android ) , elles me sont proposées à l'apprentissage par ordre FILO (première marquée, dernière proposée ). Ce qui m'empêche de préparer à l'avance beaucoup de cartes, sinon je risque d'attendre longtemps les premières cartes marquées. .. L'idéal serait de nous permettre de reordonner l'ordre des cartes que l'on veut apprendre. Merci.
16 votes -
Es wäre schön, wenn "Wiederholen" und "Lernen" zwei Knöpfe wären.
Im Moment sperrt das "Wiederholen" das "Lernen". Sie schreiben, dass man morgens lernen und abends wierholen soll. Momentan ust das so nicht machbar.
33 votesHallo, vielen Dank, dass Sie an der Umfrage teilgenommen haben. Wir werden Ihre Ideen überprüfen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, das MosaLingua-Team
Mosa Lingua Tibétain
Version pour apprendre le tibétain :-)
1 vote -
Ajouter la conjugaison complète d un verbe
Pour chaque verbe appris , ajouter une option pour réviser ou découvrir les différentes conjugaisons d un verbe
13 votes -
Miglioramento drastico della sezione "le mie nuove carte"
La sezione "nuove carte" in questo momento è veramente scarna, e a mio parere inutilizzabile. Propongo:
L'aggiunta della sezione "Nuove carte" come categoria a parte nella sezione "categorie" (con conseguente didascalia automatica, ad esempio: "le mie nuove carte"). In automatico, tutte le nuove carte dovrebbero venire inserite in una sotto-categoria predefinita, chiamata ad esempio "Miscellanea" (impostata come una sotto-categoria normale: titolo, contatore delle carte apprese, elenco delle carte).
Se l'utente vuole, dovrebbe essere possibile, solo nella nuova categoria "Nuove carte", creare delle nuove sotto-categorie personali in cui suddividere le carte. Le nuove sottocategorie dovrebbero essere dotate di contatore delle carte…
6 votes -
It would be nice to merge the both apps: " normal" with Business.
I use both Apps of one language "normal" and Business and it be nice to import the words from one app to the other.
4 votes -
Import from Anki
I would love import my flashcards from anki, because there i have so many especific words on my study area.
6 votes -
Möglichkeit zur direkten Überprüfung der Spracheingabe
Möglichkeit zur direkten Überprüfung der eignen Spracheingabe.
Ich habe vorher R.S. ausprobiert und da funktioniert das bestens.1 vote -
1 vote
Sleep timer for hands free mode to automatically turn off audio after x minutes.
Sleep timer for hands free mode to automatically turn off audio after x minutes.
2 votes -
Accent tonique+traduction
Bonjour, il serait bien de surligner les syllabes qu il faut accentuer dans un mot et mettre une phrase d’exemple pour CHAQUE mot
1 vote -
A would appreciate a direct way of creating new cards out of the example sentences
I often wish to learn the example sentences. Sometimes it's really annoying to first note them somewhere else and then to type them again to create a new card.
It would be perfect just to click on them to have a new card to learn.9 votes
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